
This is the processed KPI data entries that appear on the reports. It includes the ability to query all types of KPIs including calculated KPIs.

Get all data entries

The data entries are filtered based on the search query string. The action will return a maximum of 10,000 entries.

Query string values

Name Type Read Only Mandatory Notes
kpiIds string yes no A comma separated list of the KPI IDs you want to query. KPI IDs are visible on the KPIs screen or can be queried via the KPIs API
dateFrom datetime no yes Will default to today's date if not set. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
dateTo datetime no yes Will default to today's date if not sent. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
groupItemIds string no yes A comma separated list of the Group Item IDs you want to filter the data by. Group Item IDs can be queried via the Group Items API
userIds string no yes A comma separated list of the User IDs you want to filter the data by. The User IDs can be queried via the Users API

GET /api/reports/AllDataEntries?kpiIds=1,2,3&dateFrom=YYYY-MM-DD&dateTo=YYYY-MM-DD&groupItemIds=1,2,3&userIds=1,2,3

Using curl

curl https://{subdomain},2,3&dateFrom=2021-01-01&dateTo=2021-02-01
  -v -u {email_address}:{token}

Example Response

Status: 200 OK
    "kpiId":         12345,
    "kpiName":       "Sales",
    "kpiDescription":"Sales KPI Description"",
    "itemId":        54321,
    "itemName":      "Joe Bloggs",
    "periodId":      "D",
    "period":        "Daily",
    "labelFormat":   "#,##0",
    "isPercentage":  0,
    "hasTarget":     1,
    "direction":     "U",
    "directionName": "Up",
    "entryDate":     "2021-01-10",
    "actual":        144.3822,
    "target":        151.0000,
    "notes":         "This is a note"
    "kpiId":         12345,
    "kpiName":       "Sales",
    "kpiDescription":"Sales KPI Description"",
    "itemId":        54321,
    "itemName":      "Joe Bloggs",
    "periodId":      "D",
    "period":        "Daily",
    "labelFormat":   "#,##0",
    "isPercentage":  0,
    "hasTarget":     1,
    "direction":     "U",
    "directionName": "Up",
    "entryDate":     "2021-01-11",
    "actual":        156.4074,
    "target":        151.0000,
    "notes":         "This is a note"