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Some of our most popular questions can be found here, alternatively you can try browsing the knowledge base but if you still can't find what your looking for then get in touch.



How do I reset my password?

If you have forgotten your password you can setup a new one by going to your login screen and clicking ‘forgot my password’. You will be then asked to enter your email address you use to login to your account. A link for resetting your password will then be emailed to you.

If you would like to just change your password you can do this by going to the drop-down menu next to your user name and selecting ‘Change password’.


Why are my targets or actuals doubling?

Targets and actuals can appear to double if a KPI is assigned to 2 users in the system. KPIs are unique but more than one user can add data, so for example a sales KPI may be assigned to 2 users both entering 10. The total for the Sales KPI would be 20 and the Target would take into account both users. A simple way to check when a KPI or Target appears to be doubling is to head over to the reports page and use the ‘Data entries by KPI’ this will list all the entries for all users against a KPI.

More on targets can be found here


My targets don’t change?

Once a KPI is created it is given a ‘default target’ this is used when assigning the KPIs to a user, however once a user has been assigned a KPI then it is set as their ‘user target’. If you edit the KPI and change the default target it will not change the ‘user target’. To do this head over to ‘Mange my’ users and click on the ‘KPIs’ link in the user’s row, then locate the KPI and over-type the target in the field. Now all future entries for that user will show the new target.

More on targets can be found here


How do I create hierarchies or groups?

You can use groups to put small hierarchies together, for example the following steps would create a simple 2 stage hierarchy.

  1. Go to manage my users and select groups.
  2. Create a group called offices and enter a list of offices.
  3. Create another list called countries and enter a list of countries.
  4. Create a user and you will see you can assign the user to both the office and the country.

Once data is entered it is stored for the user against the office and country so on reports, graphs and charts you can select to see the data for all users assigned to a specific country or office.

More on groups can be found here


How do I share dashboards?

To share a dashboard head over to the dashboards tab, then locate the dashboard setting icon on the right (looks like three dots).

Select the share dashboard and then choose from sharing with individual users or groups and if they can or cannot see all of the data.

More on dashboards can be found here


How secure is SimpleKPI?

SimpleKPI is PCI DSS certified, it is hosted and maintained on Microsoft Azure and follows strict security processes and procedures.

All data storage and hosting is provided by Microsoft Azure data centers, this handles all of the backups and redundancy, – in addition it means that it is replicated in a huge cluster, with every part of the system having multiple redundancy, backups are made throughout the day and stored for a rolling 30 days period.

The Azure platform has a multitude of data centers around the world where data is replicated, for security Microsoft do not publish the precise locations.

We adhere to and comply with the PCI DSS Standards for Security.

We have run at over 99.9% up-time in the last 5 years.

All account access by internal SimpleKPI support staff is logged and flagged against authorized access.

Any notification from Microsoft to a data breach is issued to any effected accounts within 2 hrs, detailing the date, and type of data, including any additional information passed to us by Microsoft.

We do not store credit card information, this is encrypted with the merchant bank suppliers, again any breach here is detailed to the account holders within 2 hrs.

Investigation, risk assessment is handled by Microsoft and communicated to us.

In terms of disaster recovery this again is handled by the azure network, in the event of one of their servers becoming unusable its automatically switched to another allowing continuity. In addition more on specific disaster recovery for Azure can be found here:

More on Security can be found here