Manual Data Entry

Manual data entry provides a simple way to collect data from your users; ready to populate your Dashboards, Reports and Analytics.


Selecting Dates

Dates are determined by the frequency of the KPIs (when they need to be entered) the interface contains tabs to order these KPIs into their different frequencies such as Day, Week, Month etc.

  1. To select a Date, click on the calendar control (1).
  2. The default date will display today's date.
  3. To change the date, cycle through the months or years using the arrow and drop down controls and select a date. (2)

Note: Arrows before and after the date name allow you to navigate to the previous or next entry frequency. (3)


Entering Data

Once a date is selected you can enter your data against a KPI.

  1. To select your KPIs by frequency - choose from either the Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc. KPI tab (1).
  2. In the KPI list each KPI displays the name, if applicable 'the target', the target %, the trend and any notes.
  3. Enter data in the actual column to record against your KPI. (2)

The Target % and Trend will automatically be calculated and there is no need to save the entry as this is done automatically when data is entered.

You can filter your KPIs by category by using the KPI category drop-down filter.

To change historic data simply navigate using the calendar control to the historic data and change the entry.


Choosing other users KPIs

Managers, Directors, Admin and Owners have the ability to select another user's KPI sheet and enter data against that user's KPIs.

  1. To enter against another user's KPIs, select the name drop down.
  2. Choose a different user from the list.
  3. The user's KPIs now appear in the KPI list.
  4. To change to another user simply select the name drop down as before.

Adding Notes

You can add notes to any of your entries. These notes will appear on reports and some dashboard views.

  1. To add notes to an entry select the note icon next to the KPI.
  2. Enter your note and click done.
  3. The note icon now highlights to indicate that a note has been entered.
  4. To delete the note, click on the note icon, delete the contents and click done.

Changing Targets

Some roles based privileges enable the user to set Targets via the KPI entry sheet, this is useful if targets are seasonal or change over time.

  1. To change a target click on the target field and enter a new value.
  2. This target is then stored against this entry.

Import Data from Excel

You can import your data directly from excel via the KPI Entry screen.

You can find out more about importing data Here.

Multiple Entry View

You can change the layout of your data entry page to display more than one time period at a time.


To change the view to show multiple periods click the view toggle button


Data entry is similar to the single view however with multi view you can enter several periods of data at the same time. Target information is now displayed below the actual entry data.

Changing dates, scrolling through dates, entering and changing targets and selecting KPI categories are the same as single entry.

Please Note: The notes facility is disabled in multi view, if you need to add a note against an entry you will need to toggle back to single view.